1. Kľúčové koncepty riadenia projektov a metodiky PRINCE2®
- PRINCE2® princípy, témy, procesy, roly a manažérske produkty
2. Kľúčové koncepty riadenia projektov a metodiky PRINCE2 Agile®
- Ako používať PRINCE2 Agile® pri riadení projektov, rozdiely medzi projektami a business as usual (BAU)
- Agilné spôsoby práce v PRINCE2 Agile® – Kanban, Lean startup, Scrum
- Ako PRINCE2® princípy, témy, procesy a manažérske produkty prispôsobiť a používať v agilnom prostredí (vrátane 8 odporúčaní)
- Roly, zodpovednosti a kompetencie PRINCE2 Agile® projektového tímu
3. Prispôsobenie a prepojenie princípov, tém, procesov a manažérskych produktov PRINCE2® do agilného prostredia
- PRINCE2® princípy v agilnom prostredí
- PRINCE2 Agile® modely správania
- PRINCE2 Agile® odporúčania pre témy
- PRINCE2 Agile® odporúčania pre procesy
- PRINCE2 Agile® odporúčania pre manažérske produkty
- Princípy, ktoré treba prispôsobiť, tolerancie, 5 cieľov
4. Agilné metódy práce, kľúčové termíny a techniky
- Termíny – Backlog, Benefit, Epic, Information radiator, Spike, Stand Up meeting, Timebox (sprint, release), Velocity, Wterfall
- Koncepty a techniky – Scrum, Lean Startup, REtrospektívy, User stories, Workshops, Burn charts, Agile estimation, Working agreements
5. Oblasti na ktoré sa treba zamerať v agilnom kontexte
- Agilometer, Requirements, Rich communication, Frequent releases
6. Príprava a certifikačný test PRINCE2® Agile Foundation
1. Key concepts of project management and PRINCE2® methodology
- PRINCE2® principles, themes, processes, roles and management products
2. Key concepts of project management and the PRINCE2 Agile® methodology
- How to use PRINCE2 Agile® in project management, the differences between projects and business as usual (BAU)
- Agile ways of working in PRINCE2 Agile® – Kanban, Lean startup, Scrum
- How to adapt and use PRINCE2® principles, themes, processes and management products in an agile environment (including 8 recommendations)
- PRINCE2 Agile® Project Team Roles, Responsibilities and Competencies
3. Adaptation and connection of PRINCE2® principles, topics, processes and management products to an agile environment
- PRINCE2® principles in an agile environment
- PRINCE2 Agile® Behavioral Models
- PRINCE2 Agile® Topic Recommendations
- PRINCE2 Agile® recommendations for processes
- PRINCE2 Agile® recommendations for management products
- Principles to be adapted, tolerances, 5 goals
4. Agile work methods, key terms and techniques
- Dates – Backlog, Benefit, Epic, Information radiator, Spike, Stand Up meeting, Timebox (sprint, release), Velocity, Wterfall
- Concepts and techniques – Scrum, Lean Startup, Retrospectives, User stories, Workshops, Burn charts, Agile estimation, Working agreements
5. Areas to focus on in an agile context
- Agilometer, Requirements, Rich communication, Frequent releases
6. PRINCE2® Agile Foundation preparation and certification test