PRINCE2 Agile® Foundation

Move with the times and learn to use agile procedures with PRINCE2®


1250 €  + taxes

(Including certification test)


3 days

Number of attendees

6 - 12

(Minimum number of 6 participants)

Course goals

Provide information on how to apply agile methods within the world-renowned PRINCE2® project management methodology and prepare candidates to successfully pass the PRINCE2 Agile® Foundation exam to obtain an internationally valid certificate

Course dates

Date and place Price without tax Free spaces
Set a date
1250 € Yes
Date and place 31. December 2026
Price without tax 1250 €
Free spaces Yes
  • Focus on project management and delivery
  • Understand and be able to work with existing Agile approaches
  • Don’t be late and be more consistent in meeting deadlines
  • Preparation of projects based on cooperation, including the corporate environment
  • Scale projects pragmatically and precisely according to your requirements
  • Greater trust of stakeholders in projects and changes in general
  • Additional tools for project change management
  • The PRINCE2 Agile® Foundation certificate valid for 3 years.
  • Project managers working in an agile environment who need to have an overview of the work of agile teams
  • Project managers working with the PRINCE2® methodology

1. Kľúčové koncepty riadenia projektov a metodiky PRINCE2®

  • PRINCE2® princípy, témy, procesy, roly a manažérske produkty

2. Kľúčové koncepty riadenia projektov a metodiky PRINCE2 Agile®

  • Ako používať PRINCE2 Agile® pri riadení projektov, rozdiely medzi projektami a business as usual (BAU)
  • Agilné spôsoby práce v PRINCE2 Agile® – Kanban, Lean startup, Scrum
  • Ako PRINCE2® princípy, témy, procesy a manažérske produkty prispôsobiť a používať v agilnom prostredí (vrátane 8 odporúčaní)
  • Roly, zodpovednosti a kompetencie PRINCE2 Agile® projektového tímu

3. Prispôsobenie a prepojenie princípov, tém, procesov a manažérskych produktov PRINCE2® do agilného prostredia

  • PRINCE2® princípy v agilnom prostredí
  • PRINCE2 Agile® modely správania
  • PRINCE2 Agile® odporúčania pre témy
  • PRINCE2 Agile® odporúčania pre procesy
  • PRINCE2 Agile® odporúčania pre manažérske produkty
  • Princípy, ktoré treba prispôsobiť, tolerancie, 5 cieľov

4. Agilné metódy práce, kľúčové termíny a techniky

  • Termíny – Backlog, Benefit, Epic, Information radiator, Spike, Stand Up meeting, Timebox (sprint, release), Velocity, Wterfall
  • Koncepty a techniky – Scrum, Lean Startup, REtrospektívy, User stories, Workshops, Burn charts, Agile estimation, Working agreements

5. Oblasti na ktoré sa treba zamerať v agilnom kontexte

  • Agilometer, Requirements, Rich communication, Frequent releases

6. Príprava a certifikačný test PRINCE2® Agile Foundation


1. Key concepts of project management and PRINCE2® methodology

  • PRINCE2® principles, themes, processes, roles and management products

2. Key concepts of project management and the PRINCE2 Agile® methodology

  • How to use PRINCE2 Agile® in project management, the differences between projects and business as usual (BAU)
  • Agile ways of working in PRINCE2 Agile® – Kanban, Lean startup, Scrum
  • How to adapt and use PRINCE2® principles, themes, processes and management products in an agile environment (including 8 recommendations)
  • PRINCE2 Agile® Project Team Roles, Responsibilities and Competencies

3. Adaptation and connection of PRINCE2® principles, topics, processes and management products to an agile environment

  • PRINCE2® principles in an agile environment
  • PRINCE2 Agile® Behavioral Models
  • PRINCE2 Agile® Topic Recommendations
  • PRINCE2 Agile® recommendations for processes
  • PRINCE2 Agile® recommendations for management products
  • Principles to be adapted, tolerances, 5 goals

4. Agile work methods, key terms and techniques

  • Dates – Backlog, Benefit, Epic, Information radiator, Spike, Stand Up meeting, Timebox (sprint, release), Velocity, Wterfall
  • Concepts and techniques – Scrum, Lean Startup, Retrospectives, User stories, Workshops, Burn charts, Agile estimation, Working agreements

5. Areas to focus on in an agile context

  • Agilometer, Requirements, Rich communication, Frequent releases

6. PRINCE2® Agile Foundation preparation and certification test

  • Without conditions, however, it is advisable to know the basics of the PRINCE2® methodology, or have completed the PRINCE2® Foundation course
  • The course is led by an accredited trainer with many years of experience in the field of project management
  • The course contains a number of examples that allow a better understanding of the individual trained areas
  • As part of the course, participants will receive sample test examples along with explanations and explanations of the correct answers
  • Each course participant will receive a training manual and other courseware
  • The course is conducted in Slovak using English training materials


  • Online through PeopleCert
  • Objective test
  • 50 questions; 1 question = 1 point
  • Successful completion of the exam – at least 28 points (out of a total of 50) – 55%
  • Duration 60 minutes + A5 min. for non-native speakers
  • Closed book, only EN/SK or EN/CZ translation dictionary can be used
  • Exam language: English
  • The PRINCE2 Agile® Foundation certification exam assesses whether the candidate knows and understands the PRINCE2 Agile® methodology
  • The validity of the PRINCE2 Agile® Foundation certificate is 3 years

Course forms

In addition to public dates, we also offer this course under advantageous conditions in the form of in-house training for a group of participants directly at the customer’s workplace.
Please contact us for detailed information.

“Regardless of what methodology a project manager uses to manage their project, it is necessary for them to use common sense and a healthy amount of paranoia alongside it.”
Zuzana Cillingová, project manager and lecturer at OMNICOM

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